I'm a blogger, but I kinda suck at it. But this is my little space, a little extension of me, and I kinda like that. I really love reading other blogs. This is a place where our stories all meet. The ideas and creative designs that other people come up with are so amazing to me. Inspirational. I love storytelling. I think when my life slows down a bit, and the littles are a little older, I may look in to a writing program or class to help get all that swirls in my head, down on paper.
I've had a pretty active imagination since I was a little girl. I loved pretend. I always loved creating.
My family is something that I am passionate about. Everyone has a story. There are so many things in my life that make me who I am today. Which is pretty much no different than any one else on earth. We all have those things that inspire us, give us passion and inner peace. and heartfelt gratitude.
I've read so many touching stories about cancer, death, addiction, spirituality, beauty. They've all felt so real to me as I took a small part on the road of someone else's journey.
I hope someday I gain the ability to put those swirling thoughts and ideas in a somewhat organized fashion in order to put myself out there and join the ranks. Tell my story. Would anybody listen? Do I care if anybody wanted to listen or not? I don't know if the answer is really important to my story.
I feel such a passion for people, ideas, colors, fashion, textures, photos, emotions, growth and a passion to be creative ... I want to find a way to capture the free spirit that I see in my children and convey it somehow through photography. How do I capture that feeling that swells my heart when I'm listening to the kids outside under the summer sun on our quiet street? I can hear the sound of the wagon roaring by, kids laughing, and the dogs barking as they follow closely behind trying to be included in the fun. I love it all!
Taking photographs is a way to freeze that memory in time. I stalk so many photography blogs trying to feed my passion for taking pictures. I want to do them well. really well.
Taking photographs is a way to freeze that memory in time. I stalk so many photography blogs trying to feed my passion for taking pictures. I want to do them well. really well.
Back to the same problem; I have the vision but I need the knowledge it takes to be really good. Unfortunately, it's not a possibility yet for me to invest the time or the energy it would take. In the meantime, I can keep "pinning" and gathering my ideas for creations to help when the time comes!
All I can think of as I write this is my friend Joy's new T-shirt she designed that says, "stop wishing and start doing". Maybe this should be my new mantra?
Note to self: I think before I can accomplish any of this that I need to regain my balance. I always seem to put the cart before the horse. Why is that? I need to find the time to re-gain my footing and spiritual balance. It so easy to get distracted in this busy busy world.
I live in the mountains and we are raising our family here in order to keep centered. Block out the noise. But sometimes it's noisy up here in the forest. The sky is majestic at night. Millions of stars shining down on us. Sometimes I forget to look up.
Whats the point of all of this? I'm just letting my mind run free.
Do you have any wild thoughts or dreams?
I've been thinking about that too. You know what would be pretty darn cool? To own a farm and rescue horses that are about to be sent off to slaughter. And to photograph. Take really good photographs of the journey. There are so many lessons that I could teach the Littles along the way. That's more of an unrealistic dream, but a fun dream just the same.
I've been thinking about that too. You know what would be pretty darn cool? To own a farm and rescue horses that are about to be sent off to slaughter. And to photograph. Take really good photographs of the journey. There are so many lessons that I could teach the Littles along the way. That's more of an unrealistic dream, but a fun dream just the same.
You know what else? Taking a year and traveling the USA on a road trip with the kids and homeschooling them along the way. Instead of reading about the places in books, take them there to see it first hand. And photograph the journey. Wow, what a learning experience that would be huh? I hope someday I will refer back to this post and I can say, "now this is where it all started!".
I saw an inspirational quote today: everyone dies. but not everyone lives.
Well, I don't know how true that is - I think we all do the best we can with what we have but none-the-less, it made me stop. and think.
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